Your Questions Answered… Laser Hair Removal

Since our Initia laser hair removal machine landed at Body Sense Beauty, we have had a fantastic response from our lovely clients, excited to come in and become hair free with the most minimal fuss! We recognise that there are a lot of questions surrounding the treatment, but fear not! We’ve answered the most frequently asked questions in this week’s blog! Read on to find out all the info….

I’ve read that a patch test is obligatory – why is this?

We take the safety of our clients extremely seriously and want everyone who visits us to have the best results possible when it comes to their treatment. The Initia can be used on a vast amount of skin and hair types, but in order for us to ensure that your skin will react well, we do insist on a patch test ahead of starting treatment. As the settings of the machine can be changed in order to cater to each skin and hair type, we also prefer to establish the correct setting for you during a patch test appointment, rather than using up one of your course sessions. A patch test is also a great opportunity to ask your therapist any further questions you may have about Initia Laser Hair Removal. We also provide a full medical consultation during the patch test appointment, along with providing a 15ml Lynton Light Soothe aftercare product. There is a charge of £25 for patch test appointments; this is fully redeemable towards your treatment. 

I have a tan from a recent holiday/spray tan. Can I still attend my treatment session?

Unfortunately not. As the laser is attracted to melanin in the hair shaft, the skin must be free of tan. This includes from sunbeds, any self tan, or tan from natural sunlight. Any appointment attended with tan will be refused and may be charged. If the laser is used on skin with a tan, it can cause burns so we are strict on this with client safety in mind. The ideal time to book your course in is ahead of any planned holidays/summer weather.

Can I wax/pluck/bleach or use hair removal creams in between my appointments?

We need to ensure that there is active hair growth within the follicle to achieve results with the laser. Therefore, no waxing, plucking, bleaching or use of hair removal creams can occur within 4 weeks of your appointment, As most treatments are carried out as a minimum course of 6 to achieve the best results, we then recommend stopping use of these entirely. 

Shall I attend my appointment with the hair grown out?

For your patch test, please do let the hair grow so that the therapist can take a look to establish the hair type. They will then shave the area ahead of testing the laser. For all other appointments, please attend with the area already cleanly shaven, and free of make up, deodorants, fragrances or products of any kind. 

How often do I need to have treatments?

To begin with, treatments are recommended monthly to achieve desirable results. However, as the hair growth slows over time, your therapist may increase the interval time between treatments. 

How many treatments will I need?

We always recommend a minimum of 6 treatments for body treatments. Facial treatments can take 9-12 treatments over a longer time period to achieve the desired results, however this can be discussed during your patch test consultation.  There can sometimes be other influential factors such as hormones and medications that can possibly slow the results in facial treatments, however, again, your therapist will cover this during your consultation. 

Once I have been treated with a course of 6, do I need any top up treatments?

Whilst the results from the Initia laser hair removal machine are outstanding, it simply is not possible to guarantee 100% permanent hair reduction with any laser whatsoever, due to the individual differences in the body’s ability to heal, how it responds to treatment and changes that can occur over time. Therefore, whilst an amazing result will certainly be achieved, maintenance treatments will likely be required.  This could average to 1-2 x a year to even less frequently.

We hope this week’s post has helped answer some of your questions regarding laser hair removal. As many of you know, we’re a friendly bunch at the salon and always happy to answer any initial queries you might have over the phone, or in salon so if you’re still not quite sure, please do reach out! With summer slowly approaching (ok, ok, not quite yet but still…!) now is the best time to take the plunge and be hair and hassle free for those sunny days!

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