The Most Effective Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scar treatment has come a long way in recent years due to innovative new technology. Focus Dual® by Lynton offers safe and effective procedures with no fuss and minimal changes to your routine. This flexible and versatile device is the gold standard in the industry and a go-to for most experienced clinicians.

Although treatment is simple, the best way to ensure you don’t end up with acne scars is prevention but if you do experience scarring, a smoother and more even complexion is within reach. 

Why Acne Scars Form And How To Prevent Them

Scars are the result of newly formed connective tissues and they occur on damaged skin. They appear when the skin is unable to regenerate and it leaves behind an imbalance. Acne scars can occur due to chronic inflammation as well as squeezing spots and rough cleansing. This leads to the disruption of the reparative process and eventually scarring.

Although not every scar can be prevented, there are steps that you can take to limit them after the blemishes pass, which will minimise the need for acne scar treatment. 

Reduce Inflammation and Get Treated Quickly

The best course of action is to reduce inflammation as soon as you can. Avoid excessive scrubbing or irritating products that could inflame the skin. If you find yourself with consistent breakouts that are large or painful, it’s best to seek medical help through a dermatologist or a clinic to get you on a treatment plan.

Don’t Pop Your Pimples Or Pick Scabs

Popping your spots can force debris and dirt deeper and spread the infection to surrounding tissue as well as worsen inflammation. Once the skin begins to heal, you should remember to try not to pick at the forming scab as they are a natural ‘bandage’ as a means of protection. So, picking your scabs extends the time needed for the healing process to take place and increases your chance of scarring. 

Acne Scar Treatment 

A scar can be a frustrating reminder of what was once a blemish. Using Focus Dual®, we can target every layer of skin with a combination of radiofrequency (RF) microneedling and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)

RF microneedling uses ultra-fine needles to make tiny wounds in the skin to stimulate collagen production before releasing radiofrequency energy to kickstart a healing response. This mild thermal trauma deep within the skin results in new elastin and collagen fibres while increasing cell turnover. 

HIFU is similarly used to boost collagen production but it uses ultrasonic energy to target deeper layers such as the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system). This energy causes contractions, which tighten and lift the skin without damage to surrounding tissue.

This acne scar treatment can be used to tackle surgical scars too with no downtime, minimal discomfort and outstanding results. Focus Dual® is also available for a variety of treatments such as:

  • Non-surgical facelift
  • Double chin reduction 
  • Eyebrow lift
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Facial sculpting and fat reduction
  • Jawline sculpting

Our team of experienced professionals are available to answer your questions about these treatments, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Book In Now For Your Acne Scar Treatment

Get in touch to book in for your acne scar treatment with Focus Dual® now! Call us on 01903 850680 or email us at Alternatively, fill in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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